Posts with the category “coffee-hour-w-pastor-john”

Should All Christians Evangelize?
by John Holmes on February 10th, 2025
Church members sometimes think of evangelism as, "Pastor, I'll catch 'em (i.e. bring them to church); you fry them..."   Read More
A Book to Read: The Doctrine of Repentance
by John Holmes on January 27th, 2025
Known for directness, Puritan pastor Thomas Watson seeks to win men’s understanding. Warning against the seriousness of sin and the dangers of superficial repentance and complacency in the Christian life, Watson reminds us of Scripture's clarion call that believers should live a Holy Life with a timeless message: "Repentance is never out of season," even if the world claims otherwise.   Read More
Why Does God Allow Evil?
by John Holmes on December 18th, 2024
The question of whether God created evil is one that theologians and philosophers have wrestled with for centuries. God, who is inherently good and holy, did not create moral evil. Instead, He allowed for the possibility of evil by giving humanity and angels free will.  Read More
Why Christians Should Not "Put Their Fleece Out" Like Gideon
by John Holmes on November 19th, 2024
The story of Gideon in Judges 6 often captivates believers because of his "fleece test" to confirm God’s will. Gideon asked God for a miraculous sign, first for the fleece to be wet and the ground dry, and then the opposite, to confirm that God had indeed called him to deliver Israel from Midianite oppression. While this story reveals God’s patience and grace, using it as a model for decision-making today is misguided for Christians who have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  Read More
Augustine's Confessions
by John Holmes on October 22nd, 2024
       Augustine. Confessions. Translated by Henry Chadwick. Oxford: Oxford Press, 1998.          Augustine of Hippo (354–430 AD) made many contributions to Christian theology and literature, earning him status as one of the most influential fathers in the Western Church (both Catholic and Protestant).  For much of his early life, he followed the false beliefs and teachings of Manichaeism.  After ...  Read More
Don't Worry
by John Holmes on October 9th, 2024
     Trust in God's Provision: A Summary of Don't Worry by David PowlisonDavid Powlison’s article, "Don’t Worry", explores Jesus' teaching from Luke 12:22-34, where Christ instructs His followers not to be anxious about their daily needs. Through the lens of this passage, Powlison offers a practical and spiritual guide for Christians on dealing with worry and anxiety, particularly about material c...  Read More
The Great Flood
by John Holmes on July 18th, 2024
So maybe you have heard someone say: ... Noah's flood is just a myth taken from other Ancient Near Eastern flood epics... That's the claim made by the critics...   Read More
Words, Words, Words!
by John Holmes on June 19th, 2024
This week, I've read a lot about words, their meaning, and their "context," as found in the Bible...  Read More
A Thessalonian "Thanks"
by John Holmes on June 6th, 2024
What is a very common but not realized sin that Christians commit? I believe one answer can be found in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 through 19—quenching or stifling the Holy Spirit and not giving thanks.  Read More
Hopeless Man-made Idea Series (Idea #2)
by John Holmes on May 20th, 2024
In short, Client-centered therapy offers no real hope, no actual change, no true redemption, and no possibility of reconciliation with the God who created all humanity. It allows men and women to remain in their sins, exalting them to act as the de facto God of themselves. Nothing in the theory points to the truths of God.   Read More
Hopeless Man-made Idea Series (Idea #1)
by John Holmes on May 8th, 2024
Ideas like those offered by B.F. Skinner brazenly illustrate the height and depth of mankind’s foolishness apart from God. Where do you get your wisdom from?  Read More
What is a church?
by John Holmes on April 19th, 2024
By John Holmes First Baptist Church Moriarty          The local church is not a building but an intentional gathering of two or more visible Holy Spirit-filled believers who, in Jesus' name, mutually agree about His Gospel. It must preach the Word of God and observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper scripturally. Normatively, when spiritually healthy, church members voluntarily coven...  Read More
He is Risen
by John Holmes on March 31st, 2024
By John Holmes The Empty Tomb (Source: Logos Media)           The phrase "He is risen indeed!" used on Easter morning by Christians has a deep-rooted history in Christian tradition. It serves as a joyful affirmation of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. This tradition is encapsulated in the liturgical practice known as the Paschal greeting, which varies slightly across different languages ...  Read More
What about the Lord's Supper?
by John Holmes on March 3rd, 2024
By John Holmes Communion Plate (Source: Logos Media)           Jesus instructed His disciples to remember His death and resurrection. To help them do so, He gave the church two visible symbols (called “ordinances”). These two ordinances are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are not sacraments, and as such, they do not dispense God’s grace. Ordinances are symbolic and not undertaken for salvation...  Read More
Biblical Sexual Ethics in the Local Church: A Necessary Course of Instruction
by John Holmes on November 28th, 2023
An examination of Paul’s exhortations in 1 Corinthians 3–6 to grow in Christ and guard against impurity by avoiding spiritual immaturity and the folly of human wisdom demonstrates that churches should instruct biblical sexual ethics by teaching God’s design for gender, marriage, sex, and procreation to help Christians respond to the social narratives of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual freedom. By systematically teaching biblical sexual morality, Christians not only grow in Christ and guard against impurity, but they become more equipped to respond to an increasingly hostile and vocal world that does not worship God but instead, themselves.   Read More
Attempting to Harmonize Psychology with Christianity
by John Holmes on March 18th, 2023
Collins, Gary. Can You Trust Psychology? Exposing the Facts and the Fictions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988.           Gary Collins, professor of psychology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Ph.D. Perdue University), claims to write Can You Trust Psychology? as an attempt to provide a “balanced reaction to psychology’s critics” in the ongoing debate over psychology’s trustworth...  Read More
A Recommended Book: Slave Cabin to the Pulpit
by John Holmes on February 26th, 2023
Peter Randolph. Sketches of Slave Life and From Slave Cabin to the Pulpit. Edited by Katherine Clay Bassard. West Virginia University Press. 2016. 309 pp. $21           If you're looking for a good book Christians will benefit from reading, look no further. Few people today possess a true sense of slavery's evil.  The autobiography of Peter Randolph, a former slave turned pastor-abolitionist and ...  Read More
Sharing Jesus anytime, anyplace, anywhere
by John Holmes on January 27th, 2023
          Throughout the New Testament, readers will discover examples of evangelists who boldly share the ‘good news’ whenever, wherever, and to whomever, as often as possible, relying upon the work of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul is one who embodies exactly this behavior. Because of the Gospel’s divine origin, Paul recognizes God’s Spirit as the agent of salvation.  Paul seeks to snatch men...  Read More





1 Cor. 15:22 1 John 1:5 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 1 Timothy 3 1611 2 Peter 3:13 ACBC Akkadian Allow Evil Ambassador Annie Armstrong Anxiety Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Atheism Atheist Atrahasis Augustine Authorial Intent B.F. Skinner Baptism Baptize Becoming a Christian Believers Baptism Biblical Canon Biblical Counseling Biblical Marriage Biography Bio Carl Rogers Carthage Catholic Christian Greeting Christian History Christianity Christ Church Father Church Ordinances Church defined Client-Centered Therapy Communion Confessions Context Conversation Coping Cure of Souls Death Decline of the Nuclear Family Deluge Dignity Dipping Discipleship Discrimination Doctrinal Beliefs Doctrine of Repentance Does God create evil? Dt. 30:19 Dunk Easter Education Epics Equality Eridu Evangelism Evangelist Every Believer a Witness Evil Faith False Gospel Feminism Flood For Everything Forgiveness Freedom Gary Collins Gathering Gender Genesis 2-3 Genesis 3:15 Genesis 50:20 Genesis 6-9 Giddeon Gilgamesh God's Plan God's Will God's Wisdom God\'s Plan God\'s Will God\'s Wisdom God\\\'s Plan God\\\'s Wisdom God\\\\\\\'s Plan Godless point of view Godless Godly Living Good Gospel Picture Gospel of Thomas Gospel Great Commission Greater Purpose He is alive He is risen Hebrews 10:25 Hermenuetics Hippo Holy Spirit Hopeless Hope Human responsibility Idea #1 Immersion In Everything Indeed Initiation into the Church Introduction Is 45:7 Is. 55:8-9 JBSC Jesus Christ Jesus John 11:35 John Holmes Judges 6 Judgment KJV Katherine Bassard Keys to the Kingdom Lord's Supper Lord\'s Supper Lord\\\'s Supper Lord\\\\\\\'s Supper Lost Writings Love Luke 24:34 Man-made ideas Man-made Man's Wisdom Man\'s Wisdom Man\\\'s Wisdom Manichaeism Matthew 18 Matthew 28:18-20 Matthew 28:19 Matthew Meaning Memorialize Jesus Missions Moral NASB Near Eastern Myths New Pastor New Revelation No Joy No Peace No Solution Noah North Africa Obedience One Body One Loaf Ordinance Pagan Morality Paschal greeting Paschal Pastor Permit Evil Peter Randolph Protoevangelium Ps. 25:8 Psychiatry Psychology Public Testimony Puritan Quench Race Racism Rejoice always Rememberance Remembering Jesus Repentance Repent Resurrection Revelation 21:4 Romans 10:14 Romans 11:33-34 Romans 13:13-14 Romans 5:12 Romans 8:28 Rome Royal Priests Royal Priest Scripture Sexual Ethics Sexual Freedom Sexual Immorality Sexual Morality Sex Sharing the Gospel Sin Slavery Societal Decay Society's Decay Society\'s Decay Sorrow Sovereignty Spiritual Growth Stifle Sumerian Take up and Read Tears Tell Someone Testimony Thanksgiving Thanks Thessalonians Thessalonica Thomas Watson Titus 1 Turning from Sin What did God Say? Will of God Witness Words Worry attendance behavioralist psychology behaviorism behaviorist church membership church circumstances complementarianism congregationalism contradiction early church elders fleece hopeless manmade ideas membership pastors pride redemption rejoicing skinner box spiritual autobiography