
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

First Baptist Moriarty supports missionaries in New Mexico and those serving worldwide.  From partnership through giving, or through prayer, our heartfelt desire is that everyone will come to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and experience the life transformation that God makes possible through Him.  We support the Mission New Mexico State Missions Offering, the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program, and other mission activities.

We believe that all Christians today have the same privilege as the believers at Philippi of being a partner in the gospel. This means that each of us may participate in ministries far beyond our personal endeavors, both in cities at home and in countries overseas. Every time we pray for or give to a mission, either at home or overseas, we are joining in partnership with that particular ministry, and we will share in the fruit of that ministry in proportion to our sharing in its costs.1

Baptist Mission History in New Mexico

A video produced by the Baptist Convention of New Mexico

Join the mission

Serve for the Kingdom . Pray for the Kingdom.  Partner for the Kingdom.

William Carey of England, who has been called “the father of modern missions,” went to India in 1793. There were no organized missionary societies at that time, but as Carey prayed over the needs of an unreached world, God laid India on his heart. At a “commissioning” service for Carey and his colleague in March 1793, one of Carey’s friends exclaimed, “There is a gold mine in India, but it seems almost as deep as the center of the earth!” to which Carey replied, “I will venture down but remember that you must hold the ropes.”

How did Carey expect his friends to “hold the ropes”? It was to be through a partnership in prayer and in giving. Those who hold the ropes are just as important in the partnership as those who enter the mine. Holding the ropes for others is a significant part of biblical fellowship; it is essential for spreading the gospel.1

1   Jerry Bridges, True Community (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2012), 72.

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