Meet the Church Ministry Council.

The purpose of the CMC is to represent the congregation on issues of ministry. The CMC  works in conjunction with the pastoral staff to establish goals for the church and presents these goals to the church at a business meeting for approval. The team works with the pastoral and church staff throughout the year to accomplish these goals. It annually assists the pastoral staff in evaluating progress toward these goals.

John Holmes

Our sincere prayer is that FBC Moriarty's ministries will encourage you to walk with Christ and help you grow in your faith and your relationship with God.  

Nancy Faucett

Women's Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is committed to equipping ladies of all ages to know God and to glorify Him in our home, church, community, and the world.  

Mike Aultman

Chairman of Deacons
Deacons serve and care for the “underserved" (e.g., widows with no support, the sick, and orphans). They assist with baptisms and help the pastor with soul care.

Beth Aultman

Children's Ministry
Our Children's ministry seeks to reinforce  for parents or caregivers a biblical foundation of gospel truths at age suitable stages for children birth through 5 grade.

Mollie Pittman

Building and Grounds
Our ministry keeps the church buildings and grounds safe and clean.  If there is a need for repair, maintenance, or upgrade, please let us know.

Mike Brittain

Worship  and AV Team
Our worship/audio-visual team glorifies God through song, instruments, and technology. If you have a gift for vocals, instruments, media, or technology, let us know!

Bill Richard

Church Administrator*
Our church administrator serves as a church staff representative to the entire congregation, especially those who come in contact with the business areas.

Joetta Harris

Missions and Evangelism
Our missions team prayerfully seeks ways to reach all in Moriarty-Edgewood, the East Mountains, New Mexico, and the world with the "Good News" of Christ.

Brandon Webb

Men's Ministry
Our men's ministry seeks to involve as many men as possible in discipleship, service projects, prayer groups, fellowship events, and church-wide activities.

Patti Jack

Personnel Team
Our personnel team handles the needs of church staff, directing personnel policies,  job descriptions, salaries, and benefits. They also assist in hiring new employees.

Sandy Crow

Food and Fellowship
Our fellowship ministry supports church-wide gatherings and meals throughout the year, as well as special events like marriages and funerals.

Shilo Pennington

Our stewardship team prepares the annual proposed church budget and conducts reviews to ensure that the church's financial desires are faithfully executed. 


Student Ministry
Our student ministry educates teenagers about Christianity and encourages them to worship, grow in Christ,  serve others, and get involved in outreach.


Discipleship Director
Our discipleship director supports and coaches the discipleship team (bible study group leaders for adults, youth, and children) to equip them for ministry tasks.


Communications and Social Outreach
Our communications team conducts community and digital media outreach activities to promote church health and awareness ofour events and ministries.
* Ex Officio Member