Meet the Church Ministry Council.
The purpose of the CMC is to represent the congregation on issues of ministry. The CMC works in conjunction with the pastoral staff to establish goals for the church and presents these goals to the church at a business meeting for approval. The team works with the pastoral and church staff throughout the year to accomplish these goals. It annually assists the pastoral staff in evaluating progress toward these goals.
John Holmes
Our sincere prayer is that FBC Moriarty's ministries will encourage you to walk with Christ and help you grow in your faith and your relationship with God.

Nancy Faucett
Women's Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is committed to equipping ladies of all ages to know God and to glorify Him in our home, church, community, and the world.

Mike Aultman
Chairman of Deacons
Deacons serve and care for the “underserved" (e.g., widows with no support, the sick, and orphans). They assist with baptisms and help the pastor with soul care.

Beth Aultman
Children's Ministry
Our Children's ministry seeks to reinforce for parents or caregivers a biblical foundation of gospel truths at age suitable stages for children birth through 5 grade.