A Thessalonian "Thanks"

A Thessalonian "Thanks!"

By John Holmes
Thessalonica, Greece (Source: Logos Media)
As we wrap up Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians over the next couple of weeks, we will see some final exhortations in chapter 5, verses 12 through 22. It is here that you will find the shortest verse in the Bible. It is not "Jesus wept (John 11:35)." That is the shortest verse in English, but in Greek, John 11:35 is three words long. In Greek, 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and 17 are both only two words long!

The translation in verse 18 reads, "In everything, give thanks" or "give thanks in all circumstances." This is a crucial distinction from "for everything, give thanks."  We must not give thanks for sin!  It's not appropriate to be thankful for people who commit cold-blooded murder.  However, one can be thankful in those moments, for in those times, God can bring good, such as people finding faith in Christ during times of crisis. Therefore, it's vital to grasp the significant difference between being thankful 'for' and being thankful 'in.'

What is a very common but not realized sin that Christians commit? I believe one answer can be found in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 through 19—quenching or stifling the Holy Spirit and not giving thanks. In other words, suppressing the spirit opens the door for anything a Christian might do that is contrary to the will and work of God. The temptation in the midst of life's troubles is to become self-focused and unsatisfied with God's provisions, and we then fall prey to allowing those ungodly emotions to rob our joy.   Adding to this, when Paul says "Rejoice always," he is giving a command and not a suggestion.  Sometimes rejoicing is a matter of taking control of our flesh in difficult times and making up our minds to be obedient even when we don't really feel like it.  This isn't a matter of "fake it till you make it," but a heartfelt decision to trust the Lord and rejoice in him no matter what difficulties you may face.  This is not a state of constant happiness and exuberance externally, but an inner sense of delight that no matter what--you are a child of God, an heir to the Kingdom, and this fallen, sinful, broken world is not your home. It does not matter if you are sad, happy, angry, or tired. Always find time to give thanks to the Lord for His love and provision.

Remember that life's circumstances and our feelings ought never to stop us from rejoicing, praying, giving thanks, showing respect, or acting kindly-- even in persecution.  The apostles were arrested, whipped, and mistreated greatly for preaching the name of Christ, but they rejoiced, having been counted worthy to suffer disgrace for the Name of Jesus (Acts 5:41). May we find such humility, thanksgiving, and joy as Paul has taught the church in Thessalonica.





1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 1 Timothy 3 1611 ACBC Akkadian Annie Armstrong Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Atheism Atheist Atrahasis Authorial Intent B.F. Skinner Baptism Baptize Believers Baptism Biblical Canon Biblical Counseling Biblical Marriage Biography Bio Carl Rogers Christian Greeting Christian History Christianity Christ Church Ordinances Church defined Client-Centered Therapy Communion Context Coping Cure of Souls Death Decline of the Nuclear Family Deluge Dignity Dipping Discrimination Doctrinal Beliefs Dunk Easter Education Epics Equality Eridu Evangelism False Gospel Feminism Flood For Everything Freedom Gary Collins Gathering Gender Genesis 6-9 Gilgamesh God's Wisdom God\'s Wisdom God\\\'s Wisdom Godless point of view Godless Godly Living Gospel Picture Gospel of Thomas Gospel Great Commission He is alive He is risen Hebrews 10:25 Hermenuetics Hopeless Hope Idea #1 Immersion In Everything Indeed Initiation into the Church Introduction JBSC Jesus Christ Jesus John 11:35 John Holmes Judgment KJV Katherine Bassard Keys to the Kingdom Lord's Supper Lord\'s Supper Lord\\\'s Supper Lord\\\\\\\'s Supper Lost Writings Love Luke 24:34 Man-made ideas Man-made Man's Wisdom Man\'s Wisdom Man\\\'s Wisdom Matthew 18 Matthew 28:18-20 Matthew Meaning Memorialize Jesus Missions NASB Near Eastern Myths New Pastor New Revelation No Joy No Peace No Solution Noah Obedience One Body One Loaf Ordinance Pagan Morality Paschal greeting Paschal Pastor Peter Randolph Psychiatry Psychology Public Testimony Quench Race Racism Rejoice always Rememberance Remembering Jesus Resurrection Royal Priests Royal Priest Scripture Sexual Ethics Sexual Freedom Sexual Morality Sex Sharing the Gospel Slavery Societal Decay Society's Decay Society\'s Decay Spiritual Growth Stifle Sumerian Tell Someone Thanksgiving Thanks Thessalonians Thessalonica Titus 1 What did God Say? Witness Words attendance behavioralist psychology behaviorism behaviorist church membership church circumstances complementarianism congregationalism contradiction elders hopeless manmade ideas membership pastors rejoicing skinner box