Introducing the Holmes Family
Welcome Pastor John and Family

February 2022 (call); June 2022 (installed)
Ministry Objective
I am burdened to preach, teach, evangelize, and make disciples in a lost and dying world that desperately needs Jesus. I believe evangelism and discipleship involve urgent matters of life and death, as God “[snatches] them out of the fire” (Jude 1:23). Not only does our Lord command it, but He uses His faithful servants while superintending the entire process. I believe hell exists as a real place of everlasting punishment separated from God, and He wants none to perish! As stewards of the Good News, we have a message of Hope! I hope to encourage believers to glorify God, serve Him, and love Him with their entire heart, mind, body, and soul. The Baptist Convention of New Mexico (BCNM) says, “Over 83% of New Mexicans do not attend a Gospel-teaching church.” I am praying that the life-changing power of the Gospel will spread in Moriarty, Edgewood, the East Mountains, across New Mexico, and unto the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
*Ph.D. Student | Biblical Studies | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Kansas City
*Th.M. | Biblical Studies | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Kansas City
M.Div. | Biblical Counseling emphasis | Dec. 2020 | Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Fort Worth
M.S. | National Security Strategic Studies | May 2015 | U.S. National War College | Washington, DC.
M.S. | Computer Science (Information Assurance & Cryptography) | Aug. 2006 | University Of Maryland
B.S. | Computer Science | Dec. 1999 | University Of Maryland
* In Progress
Conversion Experience
I came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior because God graciously used my mother and grandmother not to let the days pass as a young boy without talking to me about Jesus Christ. They would often tell me about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the ‘Good News’ (1 Cor. 15). They explained how the Bible promises eternal life for those who “know Jesus” (Ro. 6:23). I learned that God said I had a problem—slavery to sin (Ro. 6:20). My sin demanded justice and an adequate penalty. Only Jesus’ perfect life constituted a perfect offering to God for my sins. Out of love, Jesus took the penalty and died on my behalf. Christ’s death settled the guilty account for my sins and, in fact, for the entire world (1 Jn. 2:2). So, based on the authority of God’s Word and an inner conviction by the Holy Spirit that what I heard was right, I came to believe Jesus had done the most important thing for me – He died so I could live (2 Cor. 5:15). Jesus saved me. What about you, dear friend, what do you believe? If Jesus is speaking to you today, do not wait; respond this very hour!
Call to Pastoral Ministry
As a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Intelligence Community and senior executive at the National Security Agency (NSA), I had an enjoyable and well-loved career. However, my preparation for pastoral ministry began with an overwhelming conviction that God had been calling me to leave the affairs of Government and serve Him in a different and full-time capacity. In November 2016, by His Word and His Spirit and the lives of other Christian brothers, God called me to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This surrendering of my life to Christ prompted my reconsidering of secular career goals in light of Kingdom goals. In 2017, Mount Airy Baptist Church (MABC), affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware, recognized God’s calling and issued a license to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2018, I relocated to Fort Worth to attend seminary. Serving God in the local church, loving His people, and seeking the lost by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ is my calling.
Ministry Experience
My ministry since returning from overseas service in 2011 has been that of a faithful layperson who loves Jesus (deacon, finance, nursery, youth, Sunday school teacher, various ministries). Wanting to attend seminary without delay after surrendering to God’s calling upon my life, I did not pastor a church during this time. Ordained as a deacon and licensed to preach by an SBC church already, I received ordination into the pastoral ministry at Birchman Baptist in Fort Worth.
Denominational Support
Raised Southern Baptist, I firmly believe that Southern Baptist churches should give to the Cooperative Program and other missions and love offerings collected throughout the year. By pooling, cooperating churches collectively accomplish more for the sake of the Great Commission than individually. In addition to funding missions within America and overseas, future pastors also benefit from support to SBC seminaries. I have benefited from Cooperative giving from 2017 to today. So, thank you, Mount Air Baptist, Birchman Baptist, and FBC Moriarty, for helping this pastor’s theological studies!
Philosophy of Ministry
I desire to see God exalted in all things. My goal is to encourage others to cultivate a strong, personal relationship with Jesus Christ inside and outside the church. Whether the church is gathered or scattered during the week, I desire to lovingly point people to the feet of Jesus so that they abide in Him and live a faith-filled and godly life. Church members, and ideally the entire church, bear the responsibility to reflect the character of God. Coming alongside others may involve prayer, counseling, exhorting, teaching, preaching, evangelizing, making hospital or home visits, admonishing in love, observing the ordinances, or other forms of ministry. I pray God will use my ministry to encourage anyone and everyone whom God brings across my path, day or night, with His divine truth(s).
Doctrinal and Denominational Commitment
Holy Scripture testifies to its divine origin, authority, and sufficiency to instruct on all matters of righteousness and godly living for all people. The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and the sole authority for faith and practice to which all Christians must submit (1 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:3, 2 Cor. 9:8, Num. 23:19). I also affirm the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood. Many resources exist for helping a person navigate this chaotic world, but only God’s Wisdom, in His Holy Bible, offers genuine and lasting change.
I am burdened to preach, teach, evangelize, and make disciples in a lost and dying world that desperately needs Jesus. I believe evangelism and discipleship involve urgent matters of life and death, as God “[snatches] them out of the fire” (Jude 1:23). Not only does our Lord command it, but He uses His faithful servants while superintending the entire process. I believe hell exists as a real place of everlasting punishment separated from God, and He wants none to perish! As stewards of the Good News, we have a message of Hope! I hope to encourage believers to glorify God, serve Him, and love Him with their entire heart, mind, body, and soul. The Baptist Convention of New Mexico (BCNM) says, “Over 83% of New Mexicans do not attend a Gospel-teaching church.” I am praying that the life-changing power of the Gospel will spread in Moriarty, Edgewood, the East Mountains, across New Mexico, and unto the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
*Ph.D. Student | Biblical Studies | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Kansas City
*Th.M. | Biblical Studies | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Kansas City
M.Div. | Biblical Counseling emphasis | Dec. 2020 | Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary | Fort Worth
M.S. | National Security Strategic Studies | May 2015 | U.S. National War College | Washington, DC.
M.S. | Computer Science (Information Assurance & Cryptography) | Aug. 2006 | University Of Maryland
B.S. | Computer Science | Dec. 1999 | University Of Maryland
* In Progress
Conversion Experience
I came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior because God graciously used my mother and grandmother not to let the days pass as a young boy without talking to me about Jesus Christ. They would often tell me about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the ‘Good News’ (1 Cor. 15). They explained how the Bible promises eternal life for those who “know Jesus” (Ro. 6:23). I learned that God said I had a problem—slavery to sin (Ro. 6:20). My sin demanded justice and an adequate penalty. Only Jesus’ perfect life constituted a perfect offering to God for my sins. Out of love, Jesus took the penalty and died on my behalf. Christ’s death settled the guilty account for my sins and, in fact, for the entire world (1 Jn. 2:2). So, based on the authority of God’s Word and an inner conviction by the Holy Spirit that what I heard was right, I came to believe Jesus had done the most important thing for me – He died so I could live (2 Cor. 5:15). Jesus saved me. What about you, dear friend, what do you believe? If Jesus is speaking to you today, do not wait; respond this very hour!
Call to Pastoral Ministry
As a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Intelligence Community and senior executive at the National Security Agency (NSA), I had an enjoyable and well-loved career. However, my preparation for pastoral ministry began with an overwhelming conviction that God had been calling me to leave the affairs of Government and serve Him in a different and full-time capacity. In November 2016, by His Word and His Spirit and the lives of other Christian brothers, God called me to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This surrendering of my life to Christ prompted my reconsidering of secular career goals in light of Kingdom goals. In 2017, Mount Airy Baptist Church (MABC), affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware, recognized God’s calling and issued a license to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2018, I relocated to Fort Worth to attend seminary. Serving God in the local church, loving His people, and seeking the lost by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ is my calling.
Ministry Experience
My ministry since returning from overseas service in 2011 has been that of a faithful layperson who loves Jesus (deacon, finance, nursery, youth, Sunday school teacher, various ministries). Wanting to attend seminary without delay after surrendering to God’s calling upon my life, I did not pastor a church during this time. Ordained as a deacon and licensed to preach by an SBC church already, I received ordination into the pastoral ministry at Birchman Baptist in Fort Worth.
Denominational Support
Raised Southern Baptist, I firmly believe that Southern Baptist churches should give to the Cooperative Program and other missions and love offerings collected throughout the year. By pooling, cooperating churches collectively accomplish more for the sake of the Great Commission than individually. In addition to funding missions within America and overseas, future pastors also benefit from support to SBC seminaries. I have benefited from Cooperative giving from 2017 to today. So, thank you, Mount Air Baptist, Birchman Baptist, and FBC Moriarty, for helping this pastor’s theological studies!
Philosophy of Ministry
I desire to see God exalted in all things. My goal is to encourage others to cultivate a strong, personal relationship with Jesus Christ inside and outside the church. Whether the church is gathered or scattered during the week, I desire to lovingly point people to the feet of Jesus so that they abide in Him and live a faith-filled and godly life. Church members, and ideally the entire church, bear the responsibility to reflect the character of God. Coming alongside others may involve prayer, counseling, exhorting, teaching, preaching, evangelizing, making hospital or home visits, admonishing in love, observing the ordinances, or other forms of ministry. I pray God will use my ministry to encourage anyone and everyone whom God brings across my path, day or night, with His divine truth(s).
Doctrinal and Denominational Commitment
Holy Scripture testifies to its divine origin, authority, and sufficiency to instruct on all matters of righteousness and godly living for all people. The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and the sole authority for faith and practice to which all Christians must submit (1 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:3, 2 Cor. 9:8, Num. 23:19). I also affirm the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Biblical Womanhood. Many resources exist for helping a person navigate this chaotic world, but only God’s Wisdom, in His Holy Bible, offers genuine and lasting change.
Posted in E-News
Posted in John Holmes, New Pastor, Pastor, Introduction, Bio, Biography, Doctrinal Beliefs, Education
Posted in John Holmes, New Pastor, Pastor, Introduction, Bio, Biography, Doctrinal Beliefs, Education